Friday, July 20, 2007

Wire! WIRE! WIRE!!!

The title should be said in your best Beavis voice.:) For those of you too young, google 'Beavis and Butthead' or I optionally 'MTV lawsuit'...

So, work today consisted of removal of said wire and cabling from underneath our datacenter floors. Fun as that may sound, it helps if you are working with someone you actually like and not some ass-clown that you would rather just clock with a hammer and leave under the floor.

I used to like working in the datacenter. The sound of fans and coolers wooshing was I guess for me like the womb would have sounded. It was nice and comforting and very few others like it, so you pretty much get to work alone which I like. Hell, even crawling around and working under the floor was cool. Now its just a drag. It used to be being a cable monkey for a few hours a week was therapeutic, like soldering something. Times change I guess and getting older seems to make me want to do more of the "in case of emergency break glass" or architectural type work.

The nice thing about computers is they don't talk back to you that much nor are they idiotic (I guess unless you are working with Windoze). Being a Unix guy, my life has been spent with the command line and working with machines that actually run without intervention. Once you get them set up and all your system management stuff out of the way, the servers only really complain when they have a problem. And my servers only ever really call me to let me know how they are doing.

Again, I am never sure why I post this stuff, but maybe I will just start posting things about what I have learned doing Unix Shit for like *works the abbacus* 20+ years now. It seems that the system administration skills that used to be so important are becoming like the main framers were to us 10 or 15 years ago. We thought of them as dinosaurs. Now all the stuff you really need system admins for are slowly being taken over by software and HOWTO's and google. But really I say 'fuck that' because google hasn't been around the block like I have. And really, when its crunch time, its the guy that has seen the problem or situation before and his gut that will fix the problem...

1 comment:

Beosig said...

There's something manly about pulling cable. It's just satisfying because you can see your progress.

When I had to shutdown a data center for a former employer, the machines were going to be 100% rebuilt. This meant that I didn't have to worry about corrupted ext2 file systems with unclean shutdowns. The helper guy at the data center almost shit himself when I started grabbing power and yanking it from the boxes. There was something visceral about the whole thing.

BTW: I love the quote, "Fun as that may sound, it helps if you are working with someone you actually like and not some ass-clown that you would rather just clock with a hammer and leave under the floor." That had me laughing so hard that I was crying.