Monday, June 9, 2008

3,658 Days of...

Walking the Fenceline
Belly rubs
First Snows
Barking some More
Evil Crows
Evil Bunnies
Go for a ride's
Wanna go Out's
Your Majesty
Lying under the Table
Time for Bed's
Lying on the Couch
Sleepy Grins

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Crazed Flake

Today, I am getting the edgy feeling. I almost turned off on my way to work to go somewhere...anywhere. Just go and disappear. I have posted about this before, but it felt like my sanity depended on my going elsewhere. Not sure why and really this is the first time it has happened when I was so close to home.

Sometimes, I wish I knew who that person was. it is me, but not me. I wonder what it would be like to actually sit down with them over coffee and talk about what they want and why it affects me so. It is like some part of me whispers to me to just forget who I am and ditch everything. End up being the "I wonder what happened to" guy. It is so strange to me, but yet the feeling is nice. I want to keep it around because it causes me to move. To change. To energize. Actually consider the possibilities, instead of living the grind.

Its not that I think the disappeared-life will be better than the one I have. Far from it. My life is good. Maybe its just trying to drop all the inescapable responsibilities that come along with life. I stood last night staring at the yard that will need another season of tending, car repairs, house repairs, new planting beds and so on. Welcome to suburbia.


PS - Then again, maybe I just need a real vacation.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

E. Gary Gygax passes away

Since this post is coming on the long heels of my 'Evolution of a Gamer' post, I will be brief. Everything mentioned in the 30 years post was due to Mr. Gygax. Without his vision and dedication to creating an entire industry, I am sure my hours would have been taken up with strip clubs, booze, and drugs I am sure (ok maybe not). It gave me an escape that I needed during tough times, and some of the most happiest moments of my life were spent around a gaming table. It gave me friends, and family. It brought me Jhi, the love of my life. Most of the good things in my life have come from relationships formed because of the game. Your and Dave's brainchild, that you saw fit to share with us.

To Gary:
Thank you. A wise man once told me, "Work is love made visible," and that statement is more true than ever with you. The time, work, and dedication to your creation caught the attention and imaginations of young people everywhere. Your imagination touched all of us. And like the butterflies wings or ripples in a pond, that touch will go on long after your parting from our mortal realm. Gamers will continue to enjoy a hobby that allows them to explore the reaches of the human spirit and for that you will be remembered. Rest easy, and if you have a chance check back in and drop a spark or two of imagination my way.


PS - I fired up iTunes while writing this and it played 'I will not go quietly' by Don Henley :)